
From initial pursuit through close out, consulting firms need to manage engagements efficiently. That’s why Deltek brings your people and our technology together in Deltek Vantagepoint’s command center, giving you 360-degree visibility into engagements.


Built for the way consulting firms work, Deltek Vantagepoint delivers a complete engagement-centric solution. You’ll gain insights that keep you on schedule and on budget, monitor performance, improve collaboration, identify risks, make adjustments to meet changing client demands, and expedite invoices—all leading to successful engagements. And that means a successful business.


CRM and Pipeline Management

More than 50% of consulting firms report a significant increase in competition and pricing pressure.* That means it’s time to set your firm apart from competitors.

It also means your team needs a solution that zeroes in on finding, pursuing and winning clients and engagements. With Deltek Vantagepoint’s CRM and pipeline management, you can identify potential clients early, pinpoint and develop prospects worth pursuing, and position your firm to win. Once that happens, Deltek Vantagepoint helps you nurture client relationships so you can stay in touch with clients when it matters most.

With help like that, you’re sure to meet and exceed revenue goals.

* Insight to Action Report, 2018

Resource Management

Getting the right people scheduled for each engagement from the start makes it easier to deliver success every time. With Deltek Vantagepoint, you can pinpoint the right resources based on skills and availability; build profitable engagement plans with actual resources, schedules and budgets; optimize resource assignments and utilization to increase profitability; and gain insight into your capacity needs — now and in the future. All that will help you improve performance and increase client satisfaction—an unbeatable formula for success.

Engagement Management

63% of consulting firms say they are concerned about budget overruns.* That’s why your teams need a tool that helps them proactively manage engagements from A to Z. Deltek Vantagepoint’s command center provides visibility into every aspect of your engagements in one hub. From initial pursuit through close out, you can avoid schedule and cost overruns, monitor performance, improve collaboration, identify potential risks, adjust engagements to meet changing demands, and expedite invoices — all leading to successful engagements.

* Insight to Action Report, 2018

Accounting and Financial Management

Almost 70% of consulting firms feel that increasing controls over costs and approvals would positively impact profitability*, and that’s exactly what Deltek Vantagepoint is built for. In fact, it provides a single tool to help you manage every aspect of your company’s financials. You can capture time and expenses quickly on any device, improve cash flow by speeding up payment with interactive billing tools, and deliver greater visibility into the financial health of your company.

In other words, Deltek Vantagepoint gives you the perfect combination of flexibility and control: flexibility to meet your clients’ needs and control to accurately manage your financials (without all those pesky stacks of paper).

* Insight to Action Report, 2018

Reporting and Business Intelligence

To stay competitive, it’s imperative that your firm gets the business intelligence you need to make quicker, better-informed decisions and drive your business forward. That can happen when you have complete visibility into every aspect of your firm’s business via Deltek Vantagepoint’s interactive dashboards and easy-to-use reports. Deltek Vantagepoint delivers actionable insights into the health of your firm’s business so that you can hone in on potential challenges and highlight bright spots.

Industry Best Practice Guide

Recommendations for Architecture, Engineering and Consulting Firms

Project Management

Financial Management

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